Five Top Tips to Increase Your Marketing ROI

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Increasing the marketing return on investment of your business can be considered another way to make more money. Since all businesses are in the business of making money, everyone should seek to optimize their marketing ROI. Here are some tips to help you achieve that.

Learn About Your Customer    

Too many businesses don't take the time to learn about their customers. Some businesses make assumptions about their customers while others think they know their customers from the analysis of past trends and data.

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This is not as effective as being proactive. One of the best ways to improve the return that you get from marketing is to get actively involved in conversations with your customer. This involves doing things like customer surveys, using social media, or conducting focus groups.

With the information you gain from this active engagement, you can tailor-make your offering and improve your marketing efforts in order to get better results.

Engage With Your Customers Where They Are

Some businesses make the mistake of delivering their marketing messages using platforms that they think their customers use. Instead, you should go where your customers actually are, and speak to them in the right tone of voice. For example, if your customers are active Facebook users, you should have a regularly updated Facebook account.

Your tone of voice is important too. For example, your customers may be willing to engage with you on certain platforms as long as you avoid heavy sales pitches.

Measure, Invest, and Cut

Your marketing strategy should be under constant review, where you track progress and analyze the results. You should also be ruthless about the conclusions of your analysis—if a strategy is working, invest in it. If it is not, cut it.

The Right Analysis
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Make sure you are doing the right analysis though. For example, the analytics of your latest email marketing campaign will present you with a lot of statistics. This includes how many people the email was sent to, how many opened it, and how many clicked on a link in the email. They are all important statistics to understand so that you can improve, but they are worthless if your number one priority is not the most important statistic of all - increasing sales.

So, look at all the facts and figures that your analytics reports give you, but always focus on the way it can be used to improve sales.

Get Ahead of Trends

Another way you can improve your marketing ROI is to stay ahead of trends. For example, online video is currently becoming more and more popular—you should get involved in it before your competitors do. The same can be said of mobile marketing initiatives and up-and-coming social media platforms. You don't have to spend a lot of money to achieve this though. You can start out small and build as you begin to see results.

Effective marketing and getting the best possible return on your investment means never standing still. If you always look to improve and take decisive action, you can expect the numbers to turn in your favor.

ลงประกาศ 8 มิถุนายน, 2015


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